Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gotta love George Lopez...

Yeah, I know. I said that I was going to blog once a day, blah blah blah. You should know me better than that! I have good intentions to keep everyone entertained here in the blogosphere but life kinda gets in the way sometimes. Not that it is a bad thing though. Just wait to see what juicy junk I have for you today!

The past few months have been uber hectic as I have been trying to prepare for "awards season". Unlike football season, hunting season, or the holiday season, awards season lasts all that kinda makes me wonder why I bother calling it award season to begin with. Award season starts with the Golden Globe Awards Gift Lounge in January and ends with the American Music Awards Gift Lounge in the late fall.

As most of my readers know, I started up a celebrity gifting lounge group back in the Spring of 2010 called The indiExhibit. Needless to say, with a group that started off with only 50 people and has now grown into over 200, it takes up a ton of my time. (Yup, that is my excuse for my lack of blogging. Are you buying it yet?!)

As much time as running the group has taken up, it really has been a blast. I have met some awesome new people and reconnected with old friends. The indiExhibit is hardly a stuffy business place so that makes it fun :) Anyhoo, the juicy junk.

I was lucky enough to get the one and only George Lopez to pose with my Ghoulie Scouts skateboard at the 2011 Golden Globe Awards Gift Lounge. It is an honor when ANY celebrity takes time to pose with your work, but it is especially exciting when it happens to be someone that you watch religiously! (bonus points if they strike a crazy pose like the George man did below :)

My kids friends think that I have the coolest job ever and I have to agree. I live for this kind of exposure! :)

The Sundance Film Festival was the very next weekend after the Golden Globes so I barely had time to rest in between shows. I honestly didn't think that I would get a photo to top my G-Lo photo...after all, I have been doing shows since 2009 and he was my all time fave! But then...

As I was chilling in the hallway of the Montage Hotel in Park City, chatting with the hired security guard, this guy walks up with a very beautiful lady, says hello. I thought the dude looked familiar and I didn't want to keep staring so finally I just said "Okay, you look familiar and I can't place you. I don't want to sit over here staring like a stalker." The couple laughs and the guy growls at me, like, rabid dog style, and they laugh again. At this point I feel totally stupid because the growl did NOT help place the guy at ALL. The lady tells me that the growling dog-man is Chaske Spencer, aka Sam from the Twilight Series. *DUH* One would think that as many times as my 12 year old has made me watch those movies with her, I would have known him right off the bat.

The security guard was busy with some press people so Chaske and his lady friend (I dont know if she was his publicist or girlfriend, I have no idea) stuck around and chatted for a few minutes about The indiExhibit and my contribution there. They were both SUPER NICE. Seriously, I have met celebs before and never have I met one so down to Earth as Chaske. I'd buy this guy lunch in a heartbeat.

Luckily for me, kindness goes a long way. Chaske went into the gift lounge looking for my work and posed with a few goofy photos. Gotta love this guy. His personality totally shines through his photos!

Yup, I'm pretty stoked to have a few photos of Chaske with my skateboard. Not so much because he is one of the Twilight boys, but more because he was just a nice guy all the way around. It was also really cool that the lady that was with him RAN out of the gift lounge suite to the hallway just to tell me how much she loved my work. That was awesome, truly freakin' awesome.

So that's my blog post for today...maybe for the week, who knows. You all know how bad I am about blogging :) But hey, if Chaske happens to read this, look me up dude! We will do lunch :)

Peace, love, and cottage cheese,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Looking forward in 2011

January 2nd aka Day Two of the Resolutions. So far so good, after all, here I am blogging again. (I know you are proud!)

One thing the beginning of a new year is good for is setting goals for yourself. I have to admit, I managed to hit quite a few of my goals from 2010. I became licensed with several great companies. My sales hit record highs. I even started the indiExhibit to help other artists. Pretty good for one year I think.

I'm a sucker for out doing myself so I need to set even higher goals for this year. I want my characters turned into dolls. Maybe even sculptures. I want at least 6 Ghoulie Scout books finished by December (Sorry Paully!). Yeah...I think those are pretty good goals for now. I'm sure I will add more as time goes by :)

What are YOUR goals for 2011?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

So it is 2011

Let's see if I can handle this blogging thing everyday. It *is* my resolution after all!

Today's blog will be rather short. I am in the middle of making another 108 card stock coffins for my Golden Globes and Sundance Film Festival gift lounge products. Strange? Of course! You know you wouldn't have me any other way!

Don't worry....after the events I will do my bestest to fill these pages with tons of fun stuff for you to read, laugh at, and ponder :)